Mobility in the region

Thumbnail Pendelen met de fiets is de toekomst

To get traffic in the Periphery flowing smoothly again, we are optimising the networks for various types of transport with the Werken aan de Ring programme. We are integrating and connecting networks with one another.

We are bringing the R0 and the connective underlying road network back into line using the road categorisation. We will be returning the traffic to the roads they are meant to be using. To achieve this we are creating a managing network in which car and truck traffic will use the routes that are most appropriate or desirable for them. In this way, we aim to direct undesirable traffic away from residential areas. 

Our strong choice is for a multi-modal approach in order to improve the infrastructure for all road users. 

Watch the movie below to see which ideas the experts have to make the Ring smoother and safer.


The pedestrian network is fragmented and the safety of the soft road user is not guaranteed. That is why the existing Ring crossing points will be improved and we will also be constructing new, safe crossings.


We are working on a joined-up cycle network that is both recreational and functional to ensure an improved cycling experience. The construction of an inviting, more efficient and safe infrastructure will promote the transition to cycling.

Our cycling projects

Public transport

The Brabantnet includes three new public transport links in order to offer drivers more alternatives to the car. The three tram(bus) lines – with a combined total of 60 km – will ensure a smooth transition between the Noordrand and the capital.

Our public transport projects

Car and truck traffic

We are working on the renewal of the old infrastructure by increasing its logic and legibility. We are attempting to improve traffic safety in order to decrease the number of incidents and accidents, and to improve traffic flows.

Projects Ring North

Projects Ring East

Hoppin points

In addition to improving the networks of the different transport modes, we are also focussing on combining different types of transport in a reliable way. That is why we are installing mobihubs in various locations. They are physical places at which there are different options for changing from one type of transport to another.

Hoppin points


How to make traffic on the Ring safer and smoother? (in Dutch)

The Ring around Brussels must be smoother and safer. Because the Ring, built in the 1960s and 1970s, is no longer suitable for current traffic. For example, entrances and exits are often too close to each other, causing traffic jams. The large traffic complexes, such as those in Groot-Bijgaarden, for example, are no longer smartly designed. This not only causes traffic jams, but also leads to cut-through traffic in the municipalities along the Ring.