Bicycle and pedestrian bridge over the Vierarmen junction F29K

Start of the works


End of the works




Project status

In progress

The ‘Werken aan de Ring’ programme aims to provide new and improved bicycle infrastructure. We are building safe bicycle paths and convenient bicycle bridges and tunnels. These will enable you to cycle quickly and smoothly along and across the Ring road. And we will be able to offer road users a decent alternative to the car and gradually reduce the number of cars on the Ring road as a result. The construction of the bicycle and pedestrian bridge over the Vierarmen junction is in line with this ambition.

Safe cycling and walking across the Vierarmen junction

Currently, the Vierarmen junction is a hazardous crossing for cyclists. We are creating a safer crossing at the junction by constructing a new bicycle bridge. It will be constructed entirely from wood and is the first wooden bicycle bridge of its size in Flanders.

We already took some important steps within the project in 2023. We carried out utility works at the Vierarmen junction, we installed the abutments of the bridge and already mounted the bridge sections on the central reservation. 

Since the beginning of this year, we initiated the final phase in the realisation of the bridge: finishing. In spring, we will put the bridge in place so that cyclists and pedestrians can enjoy this fast and safe connection from June. 

Important link in the Brussels-Tervuren-Leuven F29 bicycle highway 

The bicycle and pedestrian bridge is part of the F29 bicycle highway between Leuven and Brussels. The route runs from Tervuren to the Leuven ring road. Various components are being constructed in the meantime.


  • Afgewerkte fases

    De werken aan de fietsbrug over het Vierarmenkruispunt worden opgedeeld in enkele fases. Zo vernieuwden we in 2023 de nutsleidingen (elektriciteit, gas en water) van het Vierarmenkruispunt, bouwden we de brughoofden en monteerden we de brugdelen. 

  • Laatste fase: plaatsing brugdelen en afwerking brug

    Januari - april 2024

    In deze laatste fase plaatsen we de brugdelen en leggen we de rijbaan verder aan.